02.11.2024 | Logout
  • Turniername
  • CS2 2on2
  • Spiel
  • Icon Counter-Strike 2
  • Spiel-Modus
  • Double-Elimination, 2 gegen 2

  • Status
  • Partien werden gespielt
  • Turniergruppe
  • Dieses Turnier wurde keiner Gruppe zugeordnet. Jeder darf teilnehmen.
  • Coin-Kosten
  • Für dieses Turnier werden keine Coins benötigt
  • U18-Sperre
  • Keine Sperre

  • Turnier beginnt um
  • 20.07.2024 13:00
  • Dauer einer Runde
  • Maximal 1 Spiel(e) pro Runde (je 30min) + 30min Pause -> 60min

Regeln und Sonstiges
  • Bemerkung
  • Ingame Chat Commands

    While TMT watches a match the player ingame can use chat commands to communicate with TMT:

    .team a or .team b - you need to choose a team before you can execute any other commands, check the response in the chat to be sure you've joined the right one, also check the scoreboard (team names are visible there) if you're on the right side (CT/T)
    during the map election process:
    .ban - ban a map from the map pool
    .pick - pick a map to be played
    .agree - agree on a map together with the opponent (alias .map)
    .ct/.t - select CT/T as your starting side
    .restart - restart the election process
    during and after the knife round (if one takes place)
    .restart - restart the knife round
    .ct/.t - select CT/T as your starting side
    .stay - stay on your side
    .switch - switch the sides (alias .swap)
    during the warmup
    .ready - set your team as ready (alias .rdy)
    .unready - set your team as not ready (alias .unrdy)
    during the match
    .pause - pause the match at the next freezetime (alias .tech)
    .unpause - set your team as ready (alias .ready & .rdy)
    .tac - like pause, but uses up a tactical timeout for that team (same as calling an ingame vote for a tactical timeout)

  • Mapcycle

  • Runde 0:

    Es sind 5 von maximal 16 Teams zu diesem Turnier angemeldet.
  • Teamnamen
  • Wuddies Die Anfänger
    WuD die alten Säcke Dieses Team wird beim Generieren gesetzt